100th Day of School

This Thursday we celebrated the 100th day of school at the Lower School! Teachers had all kinds of activities for our students, especially in the lower grades. Students stacked 100 cups, made hats with 100 stickers, counted out 100 snacks, and some even wore shirts with 100 objects on them. Students also imagined what it would be like to live to be 100 years old. Students had fun counting, eating, and enjoying a variety of activities together to celebrate that they had made it to the 100th day.

One of our moms, Sherri Soules, even dressed as aunt Melba, a 100 year old woman, and came to visit all of our PreK and kindergarten classes. 

Mrs. Dahn’s first grade class was excited to finally reach the  100th day of school.  We got a full book of stamps and a made it to a whole dollar (100 cents) in our calendar binder!  We spent the day doing exercises and remembering what we have learned these last 100 days.  We had fun picking our 10 favorite books, friends, phonograms, nouns, even numbers and more to make a 100.  We discovered that wiggling your toes for 100 seconds was much harder than we thought.  We loved doing 100 jumping jacks and trying to stand on 1 foot for 100 seconds.  Our favorite was trying to hold a silly face for 100 seconds.  Each student brought 100 items from home.  We read clues and guessed the items, divided them up in many different ways, and even measured them.  We discovered the Davis’s 100 marbles weighed the most and Adam’s google eyes weighed the least.  We can’t wait to see what we more we can learn the rest of the year!

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Adam solomon weight brayden davis weight Davis items dollar exercises harper Kara weight kara piper spencer items solomon harper itesm stamps swayze adam addi items